Discover Transylvania
Lonely Planet has named Transylvania a world top region and Romania’s burgeoning art capital.
The international press has been praising the city for it’s cultural, artistic and touristic appeal:
- Huffington Post names Cluj-Napoca as one of the worldwide Art Cities of the Future
- Salina Turda Salt Mine, which 30 km close to Cluj-Napoca has been named by Business Insider one of the coolest underground place in the world
- Cluj-Napoca was selected as the European Youth Capital in 2015
- the European Commission has declared Cluj-Napoca as Europe’s most hospitable city.
“Bohemian cafes, music festivals and vigorous nightlife are the soul of Cluj-Napoca, Romania’s second-largest city. With increasing flight links to European cities, Cluj is welcoming more and more travellers, who usually shoot off to the Apuseni Mountains, Maramureş or more popular towns in southern Transylvania. But once arrived, first-time visitors inevitably lament their failure to allow enough time in Cluj.”
—Lonely Planet
BT Arena (Polyvalent Hall), the Techsylvania 2020 venue
For the second year in a row, BT Arena is our event venue. This is the largest and most tech-friendly event venue in Cluj-Napoca. Situated on the left pier of the Little Somes river, BT Arena welcomes 10 000 people at major sports, entertainment and educational events.
How to get there
BT Arena is located on Uzina Electrica street, postal code 400375; you can also open Google Maps here. The venue entrance is located on the Splaiul Independentei street. To get there, you can use one of the following transportation options:
- Tramway no. 101
- Bus no. 30
- Taxi
- Uber
- Pony